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Found this game from a youtube video, made an account just to comment on how much I like this game. The health system combined with the intensifying music whenever you get injured is really cool. Very excited to see where you take this game

thank you!


this pain and medical mechanics are traumatizing in a good way. the way the screen just turns to screaming, pulsing red, while our little guy begs for help and the soundtrack is replaced by a screeching terror is just

you can cook, basically


reminds me a one game

To dev: When the player's main objective has been accomplished, will the full release feature an escape sequence? (possibly travelling back to the previous layers until you reach the starting point)

What do we all think the bottom left status symbols should be called? Afflictions? Maladies? Statuses? Or has Orsoniks made an official name? I'm asking for purposes of standardising the wiki.


I'd just call them "Moodles" like from project zomboid.

they are called moodles in code

(1 edit) (+3)

This game is excellent. I made it to 845m right after getting concussed by a stalactite, falling 30 blocks headfirst into barbed wire, getting mauled by an enemy, passing out for 30 seconds, and falling into a cave I couldn't climb out of. Wow!!!! It's just amazing.

I think the mental health aspect is good, but mechanically weird: might be better if using items took time instead of just having a chance to refuse, so that being depressed doesn't mean you just drag the thing three times faster :^)

while the controls are awkward at times, I do appreciate them a lot. Other than a few oversights (opening worn bags usually just throws them off of you since you need to right click them and they're outside of the inventory circle) it really adds a lot to the immersion; feels more like I actually am the little critter, rather than them just being a video game character


(1 edit) (+1)

Lost 12 hours to this, needs a save feature but past that its a good game.

Deepest I got was 800 meters and died to a chocolate bar.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! The itch client isn't detecting any compatible downloads for this game, which I think is because the download isn't tagged with a platform. Would you be willing to set the file's platform to make installing easier?


Saw this from a random challenge video and decided to give it a try. I really love the systems the game has so far! Learning how to survive was a interesting experience filled with a lot of brutal cold deaths to teach me lol, but it is fun and the style it goes for is nice too.

When mobile ( I saw this in YouTube and I'm super interested playing. {Thanks to neco} ) 

(1 edit) (+2)

i noticed that death screens are not the same, they seem to change based on how you die. currently, i found two: one where your character look like someone tried to cut him into salad - death from bleeding out; one where he has white veins across his body - death from infection. most people probably press restart the moment they understand that there is no chance of surviving 'that' situation and miss it. did anyone else seen any other death screen?


I played only one run and... it got me into my heart.. I was with the poor creature all the way, till the very end, trying to help and stay alive, but dehydration got them...


This game SEEMS cool, this game IS cool, but having instant death traps commonly show up is not very fun.


define instant death traps


Then don't step in the instant death traps (or turn the spawnrate down)


Play Fear and Hunger and then complain about insta death mechanics

(2 edits) (+6)

this game traumatized me I highly recommend it

died from a fentanyl overdose with 2 vials of naloxone in my inventory because I got knocked unconscious by some creature before I could get it out

Disappointing because that run was completely stacked


I became extremely hypervolemic (too much blood) and almost died so I stepped on broken glass and drained the blood out the bottom of my feet and then sealed it up with superglue 👍


this game is fun and terrifying at the same time... I feel bad for the little guy we play as. I was horrified after watching him die and it slowly fade into the death screen. Ohh and his reaction to every single corpse you pass by... 

you can move pretty quickly but that doesn't matter when you're being overly cautious and moving as slow as possible

My first death was stepping on a landmine, being sent tumbling down a cliff or two (i couldn't tell, I was too in shock to realize what was happening), crying out in pain as I try to move. Somehow, I lived, and even had the supplies to get rid of pain (numbing myself), remove some shrapnel, relocate my dislocated leg, and stop bleeding. But internal bleeding said haha no, and then I suffocated to death and the lack of blood killed my brain.



da fug this dude keeps dropping banger games


This thing is really fun. Its absolutely gruesome and terrifying, but I'm a pikmin fan so I'm familiar with being punished with guilt for being bad. I am curious if there's any other way to increase max carrying capacity. I see that satiated appears to increase it but nothing else. Though containers reduce the weight of held items, so theres at least that for weight management.


10/10. Would die tragically, again.

PS: Please add humans, so they can pet you.



Rain world, but if the slugs had a bit more brain power or somethin')))


Enjoyable concept of a game, except the dying part. I think I just got PTSD watching the poor fluffy bean dying in front of me while I mash keys trying to do something.

I shared the game with friends so we can be traumatised together.


could you make holding down X to continuously ragdoll? and being able to access the inventory while doing so

i was caught in a ditch filled with barb-wire, my little furry guy kept trying to stand up even without my input, akin to what a world war 1 soldier would experience, it was hopeless

and yeah, it was a fence wall with the tip neatly placed right down the middle of a tiny hole on the ground, i'm blessed

(1 edit) (+6)

Got get them all~


Toy josha ó Estoy cansado jefe XD

i think you missed obesity

The god seed is with me, i got 4 of these, the other 2 i did loot but i can't go back there to give a pic ) on one did have a heavy drill and the others food, water, coffe and bandage

How do i combine? because i have two combinable items on my hands and i click the bottom to combine on the down corner and it don't work

Are they different items? The idea of combining is to often transfer durability from item to another identical one, like pouring water from one bottle to another. Stiff Carapace is an exception.


i didnt know turrets had a self destruct sequence

so does this mean i'm missing half my face?


i cant mew


Yea, mouth is gone ngl

(1 edit)

Its really cool. Love the damage and drugs affecting the vision. It would be great to see the game fleshed out a little bit more.


I really like the game because it brings together two things that I like a lot: terraria and the furries.

good helth system like project zomboid and the realism of the pain makes me feel quite sorry for him

(2 edits) (+2)

The blood bag has red blood but yours is yellow

literally unplayable
edit:sorry yall i didn't play the game that much and tought there was only one type of bloodbag, red blood was just the first thing that dropped from a medical crate and i just instantly posted this comment

and, why not can be yellow?

(1 edit) (+3)

thats because it's not your species' blood lol try another bag

(1 edit) (+6)

As I understand it, the red blood bag is used for the terminal that requests human DNA. Sorry, but I haven't been able to confirm the theory yet.

UPD: Yes, that's right, red blood is used to open the warehouse with DNA access.

is good

I'm having trouble getting the game installed and running. I had to convert the .rar file to .zip before extracting it due to a lack of tools to extract it directly, and when I went to run SurvivalWorldGen.exe, I got an error saying that my computer couldn't run it. I'm using Windows 10.


download 7zip on your pc then download the game again then right click the rar file and just extract with 7zip you dont need to convert the file if you have 7zip installed


its both a great (kinda wanted hardcore-ish survival game where you just have to watch out for anything) and a traumatizing experience (in the intial point you cannot even do nothing but just watch your character dying)

its a pretty great game which just makes you forget about standard survival mechanics,the health system reminds me of games like Project Zomboid or Escape from Tarkov (EST that you have to treat the wounds for individual limb and Project Zomboid that infections can get in) and the gameplay is quite customizable

(2 edits) (+3)

Pretty great survival roguelike. A bit in depth and arguably scary medical system, but i also don't hate it? Very fun idea. When there are more areas, i think it would be a good idea in the tutorial to point out that plants have actual uses when broken, as it took me a bit to realize i didn't have to hunt a crazy medical device to help with infections. 

The biggest thing missing is a proper pause menu, and a way to save. I managed to pause by just taking the game out of focus, but i would rather be able to just open the pause menu (or at least a pause+ menu, maybe one that obscures the game entirely from you but actually pauses the game in the interest of fairness). The main reason i ask for these is sometimes life calls and it would suck to lose a fun run to something like that. 

Hope this gets further updates! It's fun and i'd pay for a full version, honestly.

Addendum: after further playing, this game would be AWESOME with multiplayer. I know it's a high ask, but because the game feels like a lot of it is "surviving against absurd odds" there could be room for a ton of fun multiplayer moments, and VERY high highs. (as a short example, i cannot understate how cool it would feel to save a friend using one of those packs that give you 5 minutes.)


 but he is right!

(1 edit) (+4)

This game is really really cool! I LOVE how pain is represented how a violent red pulsating sensation which hammers down you're consciousness. Not only that it also has a pretty detailed medical and anatomy health system which seems to be a mix of Rimworld, Space station 13, and maybe project zomboid? The hands system definitely reminds of SS13 which is a very brave take! Over all i wish this game has more minimalistic nature.

In short? : ITS AMAZING!!!!!


>stalactite encounter

"i'll just run past it"

>i run past it
>it hits the ground, turns 45 degrees to the right and into the back of my head

(1 edit) (+5)

“Go away.”

“Okay, pinhead.”

“…What’d you just call me?”

The rare unicorn Experiment.




Gave it a Let's Play, I know a lot of people who love Sims/Simulations/Survival Sims so I'm sure there'd be many looking forward to this, I did not last too long - but I adapt quickly if given enough time ;0 

Thanks for showin me this game.

oh i just come from seeing this in my reccomended youtube videos, seems like an interesting game so im gonna download it

(2 edits) (+4)

This game is a great example of a skillful combination of atmosphere and gameplay. The components of a truly unique atmosphere include visual effects that combine dark and gray tones with simple but captivating graphics, the mood of the game, which is depressive and hopeless, the sound design and the behavior of the main character, who, despite not being human, behaves like a human, which makes empathize and worry for him.

The gameplay is complex, but therefore interesting. A large number of different mechanics, nuances and constantly arising obstacles will not let you get bored for a minute.

Despite the fact that the game is only a prototype of the full version, it can already captivate for at least a few weeks in the early stages. Thanks to the gameplay and atmosphere, it effectively conveys the main themes: depression, cruelty and hopelessness of the main character's situation.

(1 edit) (+5)

i can drink bleach

instantly a good gaem


Item description: “Having a wristwatch is comforting and improves morale over time.”


My Experiment: “i like this watch thingy. is comfy :D”

I'm search on Google "Scav Prototype" and got fan-made(?) wiki for Scav Prototype

Sadly that Fandom is empty, but I'm making some another Fandom in, I'll probably going to add the creature (the experiment) on game to the wiki as first element lol

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