Deadass had to make an account just to share my opinion on this game. (10/10, definitely gave me a spark of creativity to make my own survival game.)
When I first heard about this game on YouTube, the uneasiness was unreal. It was 2am at the time, so idk. This game's screen effects, the character's dialogue, sound effects, and entire setting in general was probably one of the most impactful things I've ever experienced in my whole life to the point where it eventually made me queasy. I eventually got the game through here, and my favorite thing about this game is being able to explode survivors with the command thingy (` button next to 1 and above tab and typing 'Explode") when they don't trade with me. I love this game. I would absolutely pay money to play this game, but I'm broke. Words are meaningful though. I'm genuinely excited to see what happens in the future.
its genuinely insane how brutal but fun it is. reached layer 3 and died to a landmine afterwards. 11/10 worth it, cant wait to see what this has to offer in the future.
legit created an account to yap about this made it past layer 10, this game is SOOOOOOO good it's brutal, but with enough caution, knowledge, and skill, you'll learn to master the game I think my coolest moment was when I got a really bad injury in my chest, ended up using literal life support to keep myself alive while I slowly, painfully removed shrapnel, before eventually managing to bandage myself up also the OST is literally all banger sbut like also when it isn't made to simply be straight fire it REALLY fits the situation you're in, Is This The End..? is my favorite ost purely because it fits the situation it's used in extremely well anyways if this ever gets finished I'd buy it in a heartbeat
Saw a crashed pod like my own with a box of something inside. Broke the window to get in. Had hundreds of shards of glass in my foot. Stepped on a spike trap which, after falling in pain from, sent me onto a bounce pad and I slammed my head against a gravel ceiling. Not a good time for the alien. I felt bad.
I don't know if commenting actually helps you in any way, but I guess I will regardless. Looks like a neat game, even if I had to quit five minutes in, as hearing the little thing crying as they bled to death crushed me on a level I didn't know was possible.
Not for me, clearly, but it looks very promising for those who will be of stronger spirit, based off what I've heard from people in communities I'm part of.
Edit: My one piece of criticism I can levy, given my barely existent playtime, is that the existing content warning does not nearly adequately prepare the player for what they will be subjected to. I did not go into the game expecting to be forced to listen to a creature as it died, or read its pleas for help going unanswered in its final moments. I wasn't prepared. :(
I still can't believe this is a demo, its such a good and addicting game, the soundtrack and the way the game's health system works is amazing.
One slight problem I and a few others have with it is there's no saving system, it feels bad to end a good 2-3 hour run just because I've been playing for too long, get burnt out and want to play another game.
Also a feature that I think would be cool to enable as a difficulty option is to make it so you can't see through walls.
Really cool concept. Great sound design. You really feel bad for the poor creature. I don't think I would be so invested, if the main character was a regular human. I thought that I would play for like an hour and switch to Cyberpunk, but I just couldn't stop. It's 1AM, 3 hours have passed. I died three times. Last time I almost reached the third stage. At least I understand now how fixing dislocations and shrapnels works. I'm not sure, what caused the last death, though. I suddenly started bleeding from my chest and head. I probably missed something due to the leg pain.
After I played I decided that you deserve at least some money for this. I know it's not much, but I hope it helps.
I hope this project gets a full version at some point in the future.
The only real problem I noticed, was trading. It took me a while to figure out, that I need to press T to drop/give the item to the other guy. Then, when I bought the item, the guy dropped it where he was sitting, which was behind a wall (not sure if he always sits inside of a closed capsule, or if it was random, because I met him only once). I had to dig through to pick the item up. In the meantime, the guy decided that the item laying on the ground is for him and took it back.
TLDR: Good game, even though it's just a demo. Lots of potential. I wish you all the best.
I accidentally stumbled on a random video in Youtube and instantly fell in love with the game.
The complex health system reminds me of Project Zomboid and the visual effects and music are really impressive, but also scary when the poor thing gets injured. I can't wait to see more content being added. I'm instantly buying this game the moment it gets released.
my only complaint is that i wish i could save my progress to return to the game later.
it would be interesting if after you died there was a rap sheet of all the stuff you did (water and food consumed, injuries sustained, stuff collected, etc)
It’s a very cool game, I really like it and I’m looking forward to the full version. and I would also be very happy to see a co-op. I really want to play it with my friends
I had a run where I was 1,348 meters below, pretty great run. I found about 2 jetpacks that made it very easy to travel. Found a survivor pod (I don't know if they were a trader or a non-trader). A few milliseconds later, a point blank landmine exploding behind my head from which hearing that sound activation just made me realize that my fate was sealed. I was concussed, and I don't know how much damage I acquired. I basically died to brain death from hypoxia. I don't know if sepsis caused that (I got an infection after that explosion) or my character's head bleeding. 10/10 made in abyss.
Saw it alot on youtube so i gave it a go, first run went well till i stepped on glass. didn't have any bandages but i had something that said it was a pain killer so i took it then 5 seconds later i fell down and couldn't move, then the screen was going purple, then i blacked out, then i woke up with an infection from the glass shard, then passed out again, then was starving to death and had a concussion, then went into a coma, then died Fentanyl. what i took was fentanyl. i didn't know what that even was till after i died and looked it up lol, 10/10 would overdose again
Tried to climb out of a window, got hit in the ass by a stalactite, fell down and blew up, almost woke up, got hit by a stalactite right in the head, died 10 seconds after. 10/10 game
I'll be nerding so much about this game! I don't know if it's inspired, but the PB2 kind of movement is awesome. The health panel looks perfect, you actually need to learn what each thing means and it's fully functional!
Sorry for my poor English, not my main language.
I just can't express how much this game makes anxious, the atmosphere and sounds are on point. I am not in a position to donate money, but I wish the creator the best of luck developing this. And I will for sure buy this game if it reaches the final state of development and gets published :D
This game is already spectacular, and it has a lot of potential
It's like Starbound, Deep Rock Galactic, and Project Zomboid, all mixed into one, with furries as an added bonus.
Technically Steam Deck compatible if you use Proton Experimental (Properties -> Compatibility -> Force Compatibility) and make your own controller setup, but small screen space and low resolution makes certain interactions difficult or impossible. But, obviously, this game wasn't made with the steam deck in mind... nor was it released on Steam.
I haven't made it far, since I haven't had the chance to play it on anything other than my deck, but im happy that it works on Deck. Great demo, looking forward to full release! (Will definitely be donating to the development once I have an income of my own.)
Imagine if there's a toggle for a harder mode, that even your excretory systems is trying to get your attention toward them...
...On a second thought, that would probably be too stressful to regulate body status, since it would increase if you quench the thirst or hunger.
Anyway ignore my suggestion, this is a really good game for those who seek brutal and tough survival games, doesn't hurt to try, really. (Died and panicked many times.)
I Love This game, the music, the friend (or traders) we look upon the way. The Atmosphere is saddening sometimes hopefull, mysterious. . . but always just enough to show desperation, survival, Tactics- anyway i have developed a Mental Relationship, all to keep this Friend alive, and i cringe when i fall a large distance and land too hard Youch. .Eee ! this is a perfect game in series of dynamic Atmosphere and emotional attachment to surviving. i would donate more money to Orsoniks, if i had it. . . Love this game, taking brakes are recommended will throw leaf at Bouncey trap again
This is my run of 1000 meters, past the desert and with a Rose plant and Emissive Crystals
and this was when i found said stuff before previous picture. BRIGHT!!!
Genuinely, addicted to this game. I've been playing on this game for days on end, i've been telling all my friends about it, i've barely been getting up for anything other than bathing and eating. Quite actually amazing.
The fact that for a demo, after days of playing i'm still seeing some new things, blows my mind.
Despite being an endless prototype the fascinating result of that is that our character is tasked with an impossible suicide mission that everyone before and likely after him will die. and never die instantly, suffering in pain, alone while dying with no salvation. All for nothing in the end. at some moments it seems our character grasps the unbearable reality presented before him, understanding the fact he will die for nothing. with very little story being told somehow this game accomplishes a tragic tale that has brought me to the verge of tears. Amazing job honestly. I'm excited to see more. Also, will we be able to get the soundtrack? It truly vibes.
Everything works so well together to make a very atmospheric experience. it manages to make dying an intricate, personal matter that makes you really panic the first time around; you're not expecting for all of that to hit you and it does it so well.
The music is also just an amazing surprise, so many nice tracks. The way the game doesn't really tell you anything directly lore-wise but gives off such a vibe that makes theory crafting fun.
on top of it all is that your character is just some innocent poor little critter that doesn't even feel comfortable holding a machete getting tossed into it all, and you have to listen to them die.
Maybe you didnt know about it, but your game has a Russian analog, created more than ten years ago but unfinished. Im very glad thar your game surprasses that game at an early stage, thank you from Russia! Спасибо!
seemed cool at first but even when having 250% more loot, no guarantee of food and water. kinda makes me depressed to play and makes me feel more dirty than playing postal redux. it's like watching something grind up a puppy after a while.
This is awesome! im created a itch account to comment it , this game give me a real feeling of panic and will to live fightings with the nature , played 4 hours in a row and think going to take 2-3 more runs , really want to see next versions of the game
Before I let my brain fully cool: This game impacted me. I went to four different runs with their own, gnarly conclusions and progressions. From a 12s bad fall out of the pod, to a grueling hour-long trek down 800M, I experienced several back-to-back true panics the likes of which early Project Zomboid couldn't pry out of me with thousands of zombies breaking down every single wall.
The amount of panic and empathy you feel in your last moments of someone who's sent to their death along possibly thousands legitimately made me tear up in the strangest of ways. And I'm a pretty composed person!
I have to let this game cool before I even pick it up again. But the passion for this project is truly palpable. Every triple-A title in the world couldn't evoke such a mixed bag of emotions out of me. This thing made me sick to my goddamn stomach and I can't wait to suffer once more.
Oh oh! I guess a bug report should go here, if only to make me feel better about giving this game praise that I haven't ever given any game on Steam: When clicking worn items on your inventory, only make it so that you actually THROW them when dragging them OFF the box, rather than a handful of pixels to either side. I get and love the inventory wheel making the frantic nature of triage on-the-go even harder to use, but worn items tend to be accidentally thrown a lot by me, I've found, even in the calmest of scenarios.
Checked back on this game to see it is currently the 3rd most popular on itch with the furry tag. Maybe because people made videos on it? I'm glad to see this prototype gaining traction! Some people just wanna play dark, potentially gruesome games with layered mechanics and a cute playable non-human furry character. Which is rare now that I think about it.
And then i experienced the most fucking stealing a game dev could do in a game possible.
You found a cool item? No you didnt! Its fallen OUT OF THE LEVEL. SORRY! Oh you're injured? Oops you misclicked and dropped the bandage, the bandage will now BE DELETED because CLEARLY the bandage was taking up precious disk space that matters more than you playing the game.
Like i'm genuinly so mad right now. I find medical supplies, it fucking falls into the VOID. I get injured, you just DIRECTLY steal my medical supplies. Fuck you and fuck the youtuber that posted about your game. You literally lack shame and morals. Fuck you.
Dude it's a prototype it's not gonna be a perfect game. Go take a walk or something and cool off next time before cussing out a game dev for their unfinished, free demo.
← Return to game
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try not to walk into a sentry or trap hidden within a bush challenge 99.99% will fail! 😂😂🙏🙏
Deadass had to make an account just to share my opinion on this game. (10/10, definitely gave me a spark of creativity to make my own survival game.)
When I first heard about this game on YouTube, the uneasiness was unreal. It was 2am at the time, so idk. This game's screen effects, the character's dialogue, sound effects, and entire setting in general was probably one of the most impactful things I've ever experienced in my whole life to the point where it eventually made me queasy. I eventually got the game through here, and my favorite thing about this game is being able to explode survivors with the command thingy (` button next to 1 and above tab and typing 'Explode") when they don't trade with me. I love this game. I would absolutely pay money to play this game, but I'm broke. Words are meaningful though. I'm genuinely excited to see what happens in the future.
its genuinely insane how brutal but fun it is. reached layer 3 and died to a landmine afterwards. 11/10 worth it, cant wait to see what this has to offer in the future.
legit created an account to yap about this
made it past layer 10, this game is SOOOOOOO good
it's brutal, but with enough caution, knowledge, and skill, you'll learn to master the game
I think my coolest moment was when I got a really bad injury in my chest, ended up using literal life support to keep myself alive while I slowly, painfully removed shrapnel, before eventually managing to bandage myself up
also the OST is literally all banger sbut like also when it isn't made to simply be straight fire it REALLY fits the situation you're in, Is This The End..? is my favorite ost purely because it fits the situation it's used in extremely well
anyways if this ever gets finished I'd buy it in a heartbeat
Saw a crashed pod like my own with a box of something inside.
Broke the window to get in.
Had hundreds of shards of glass in my foot. Stepped on a spike trap which, after falling in pain from, sent me onto a bounce pad and I slammed my head against a gravel ceiling.
Not a good time for the alien. I felt bad.
I don't know if commenting actually helps you in any way, but I guess I will regardless. Looks like a neat game, even if I had to quit five minutes in, as hearing the little thing crying as they bled to death crushed me on a level I didn't know was possible.
Not for me, clearly, but it looks very promising for those who will be of stronger spirit, based off what I've heard from people in communities I'm part of.
Edit: My one piece of criticism I can levy, given my barely existent playtime, is that the existing content warning does not nearly adequately prepare the player for what they will be subjected to. I did not go into the game expecting to be forced to listen to a creature as it died, or read its pleas for help going unanswered in its final moments. I wasn't prepared. :(
Add a save/continue system, please.
I rated the game 5 stars, at the moment this is how I can be helping in some way.
You don't need save if you are going to die anyway.
In Project Zomboid you can save, not everyone can spend 5 hours STRAIGHT in a run, it would be cool to be able to save to continue another time.
Oh i see, now i think that is a good idea too
i literally made an account just so i could post my art of this game
look like he really want some morphine or fentanyl, idk
Malnourished child
You've seen pinhead, now get ready for blockhead

(he was much nicer than pinhead. 10/10 roommate, donated like half my inventory)
10000/10 died of opium and fentanyl overdose while starving
would die of organ failure again
(seriously good game tho)
I would donate but I don't have any money. Hope this game gets the fame it deserves tho
I still can't believe this is a demo, its such a good and addicting game, the soundtrack and the way the game's health system works is amazing.
One slight problem I and a few others have with it is there's no saving system, it feels bad to end a good 2-3 hour run just because I've been playing for too long, get burnt out and want to play another game.
Also a feature that I think would be cool to enable as a difficulty option is to make it so you can't see through walls.
I might have commented here before, but why is the download a .rar? Afaik the desktop app doesn’t support it.
Really cool concept. Great sound design. You really feel bad for the poor creature. I don't think I would be so invested, if the main character was a regular human. I thought that I would play for like an hour and switch to Cyberpunk, but I just couldn't stop. It's 1AM, 3 hours have passed. I died three times. Last time I almost reached the third stage. At least I understand now how fixing dislocations and shrapnels works. I'm not sure, what caused the last death, though. I suddenly started bleeding from my chest and head. I probably missed something due to the leg pain.
After I played I decided that you deserve at least some money for this. I know it's not much, but I hope it helps.
I hope this project gets a full version at some point in the future.
The only real problem I noticed, was trading. It took me a while to figure out, that I need to press T to drop/give the item to the other guy. Then, when I bought the item, the guy dropped it where he was sitting, which was behind a wall (not sure if he always sits inside of a closed capsule, or if it was random, because I met him only once). I had to dig through to pick the item up. In the meantime, the guy decided that the item laying on the ground is for him and took it back.
TLDR: Good game, even though it's just a demo. Lots of potential. I wish you all the best.
I accidentally stumbled on a random video in Youtube and instantly fell in love with the game.
The complex health system reminds me of Project Zomboid and the visual effects and music are really impressive, but also scary when the poor thing gets injured.
I can't wait to see more content being added. I'm instantly buying this game the moment it gets released.
this game is awesome
my only complaint is that i wish i could save my progress to return to the game later.
it would be interesting if after you died there was a rap sheet of all the stuff you did (water and food consumed, injuries sustained, stuff collected, etc)
It’s a very cool game, I really like it and I’m looking forward to the full version. and I would also be very happy to see a co-op. I really want to play it with my friends
I had a run where I was 1,348 meters below, pretty great run. I found about 2 jetpacks that made it very easy to travel. Found a survivor pod (I don't know if they were a trader or a non-trader). A few milliseconds later, a point blank landmine exploding behind my head from which hearing that sound activation just made me realize that my fate was sealed. I was concussed, and I don't know how much damage I acquired. I basically died to brain death from hypoxia. I don't know if sepsis caused that (I got an infection after that explosion) or my character's head bleeding. 10/10 made in abyss.
Saw it alot on youtube so i gave it a go, first run went well till i stepped on glass. didn't have any bandages but i had something that said it was a pain killer so i took it then 5 seconds later i fell down and couldn't move, then the screen was going purple, then i blacked out, then i woke up with an infection from the glass shard, then passed out again, then was starving to death and had a concussion, then went into a coma, then died
Fentanyl. what i took was fentanyl. i didn't know what that even was till after i died and looked it up lol, 10/10 would overdose again
Tried to climb out of a window, got hit in the ass by a stalactite, fell down and blew up, almost woke up, got hit by a stalactite right in the head, died 10 seconds after. 10/10 game
I'll be nerding so much about this game! I don't know if it's inspired, but the PB2 kind of movement is awesome. The health panel looks perfect, you actually need to learn what each thing means and it's fully functional!
Sorry for my poor English, not my main language.
I just can't express how much this game makes anxious, the atmosphere and sounds are on point. I am not in a position to donate money, but I wish the creator the best of luck developing this. And I will for sure buy this game if it reaches the final state of development and gets published :D
This game is already spectacular, and it has a lot of potential
It really feels like you pulled this game directly out of my brain. Looking forward to becoming unhealthy obsessed and seeing how this develops!
It's like Starbound, Deep Rock Galactic, and Project Zomboid, all mixed into one, with furries as an added bonus.
Technically Steam Deck compatible if you use Proton Experimental (Properties -> Compatibility -> Force Compatibility) and make your own controller setup, but small screen space and low resolution makes certain interactions difficult or impossible. But, obviously, this game wasn't made with the steam deck in mind... nor was it released on Steam.
I haven't made it far, since I haven't had the chance to play it on anything other than my deck, but im happy that it works on Deck. Great demo, looking forward to full release! (Will definitely be donating to the development once I have an income of my own.)
Imagine if there's a toggle for a harder mode, that even your excretory systems is trying to get your attention toward them...
...On a second thought, that would probably be too stressful to regulate body status, since it would increase if you quench the thirst or hunger.
Anyway ignore my suggestion, this is a really good game for those who seek brutal and tough survival games, doesn't hurt to try, really. (Died and panicked many times.)
I Love This game, the music, the friend (or traders) we look upon the way. The Atmosphere is saddening sometimes hopefull, mysterious. . . but always just enough to show desperation, survival, Tactics- anyway i have developed a Mental Relationship, all to keep this Friend alive, and i cringe when i fall a large distance and land too hard Youch. .Eee ! this is a perfect game in series of dynamic Atmosphere and emotional attachment to surviving.
i would donate more money to Orsoniks, if i had it. . .
Love this game, taking brakes are recommended will throw leaf at
Bounceytrap againThis is my run of 1000 meters, past the desert and with a Rose plant and Emissive Crystals

and this was when i found said stuff before previous picture. BRIGHT!!!
Genuinely, addicted to this game. I've been playing on this game for days on end, i've been telling all my friends about it, i've barely been getting up for anything other than bathing and eating. Quite actually amazing.
The fact that for a demo, after days of playing i'm still seeing some new things, blows my mind.
Thank you!
Despite being an endless prototype the fascinating result of that is that our character is tasked with an impossible suicide mission that everyone before and likely after him will die. and never die instantly, suffering in pain, alone while dying with no salvation. All for nothing in the end. at some moments it seems our character grasps the unbearable reality presented before him, understanding the fact he will die for nothing. with very little story being told somehow this game accomplishes a tragic tale that has brought me to the verge of tears. Amazing job honestly. I'm excited to see more. Also, will we be able to get the soundtrack? It truly vibes.
Thank you! the soundtrack is linked in the game's description
I donated $15 for this game and I'm excited for its continued development! The developer deserves more popularity!
Thank you! :)
Everything works so well together to make a very atmospheric experience. it manages to make dying an intricate, personal matter that makes you really panic the first time around; you're not expecting for all of that to hit you and it does it so well.
The music is also just an amazing surprise, so many nice tracks.
The way the game doesn't really tell you anything directly lore-wise but gives off such a vibe that makes theory crafting fun.
on top of it all is that your character is just some innocent poor little critter that doesn't even feel comfortable holding a machete getting tossed into it all, and you have to listen to them die.
it's all really well done.
thank you !
Maybe you didnt know about it, but your game has a Russian analog, created more than ten years ago but unfinished. Im very glad thar your game surprasses that game at an early stage, thank you from Russia! Спасибо!
I do wonder will this be a "survive as long as you can there is no happy end" or can we get a happy or at least bittersweet ending?
you will get an ending
Probably a bad one.
seemed cool at first but even when having 250% more loot, no guarantee of food and water. kinda makes me depressed to play and makes me feel more dirty than playing postal redux. it's like watching something grind up a puppy after a while.
This is awesome! im created a itch account to comment it , this game give me a real feeling of panic and will to live fightings with the nature , played 4 hours in a row and think going to take 2-3 more runs , really want to see next versions of the game
thank you!!
The whimpering noises and scared commentary makes getting injured in the game genuinely uncomfortable. Which seems to be completely intentional.
Very interesting prototype you have going here, looking forward to where you take it!
Before I let my brain fully cool: This game impacted me. I went to four different runs with their own, gnarly conclusions and progressions. From a 12s bad fall out of the pod, to a grueling hour-long trek down 800M, I experienced several back-to-back true panics the likes of which early Project Zomboid couldn't pry out of me with thousands of zombies breaking down every single wall.
The amount of panic and empathy you feel in your last moments of someone who's sent to their death along possibly thousands legitimately made me tear up in the strangest of ways. And I'm a pretty composed person!
I have to let this game cool before I even pick it up again. But the passion for this project is truly palpable. Every triple-A title in the world couldn't evoke such a mixed bag of emotions out of me. This thing made me sick to my goddamn stomach and I can't wait to suffer once more.
Oh oh! I guess a bug report should go here, if only to make me feel better about giving this game praise that I haven't ever given any game on Steam: When clicking worn items on your inventory, only make it so that you actually THROW them when dragging them OFF the box, rather than a handful of pixels to either side. I get and love the inventory wheel making the frantic nature of triage on-the-go even harder to use, but worn items tend to be accidentally thrown a lot by me, I've found, even in the calmest of scenarios.
im glad i've made something that has impacted you, haha
Checked back on this game to see it is currently the 3rd most popular on itch with the furry tag. Maybe because people made videos on it? I'm glad to see this prototype gaining traction! Some people just wanna play dark, potentially gruesome games with layered mechanics and a cute playable non-human furry character. Which is rare now that I think about it.
I saw videos about this, looked fun.
And then i experienced the most fucking stealing a game dev could do in a game possible.
You found a cool item? No you didnt! Its fallen OUT OF THE LEVEL. SORRY! Oh you're injured? Oops you misclicked and dropped the bandage, the bandage will now BE DELETED because CLEARLY the bandage was taking up precious disk space that matters more than you playing the game.
Like i'm genuinly so mad right now. I find medical supplies, it fucking falls into the VOID. I get injured, you just DIRECTLY steal my medical supplies. Fuck you and fuck the youtuber that posted about your game. You literally lack shame and morals. Fuck you.
that's pointlessly hostile and mean, don't you think?
Dude it's a prototype it's not gonna be a perfect game. Go take a walk or something and cool off next time before cussing out a game dev for their unfinished, free demo.
odd, it could have been that it rolled into the depths or decayed from low durability.
but of course a bug is also a very possible option since this is a prototype,
also no need to be so aggressive and mean.
Unreasonable crashout.
Are you 12?
thank you for the kind words!
Skill Issue
Was this by chance inspired by NEO Scavenger? Noticed the medkit container item and intricate medical devices.
i do not know what neo scavenger is