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is it possible to build? that would be very nice

(10 edits) (+1)

Yes, you can use Scrap Metal to build, their main source from Traps, which you'll need to break to attain. If my memory serves me right, each use consumes 20% of the item's usage, being able to place 5 Scrap Piles if the Scrap is at 100-81%. Due to their limited charges, their main uses are to create a bridge over a small gap that may prove dangerous or to create an extension of a platform which will allow you to jump over a previously impossible gap. They're also a common currency used when trading with other Survivors, worth 8 Trade Value at 100-88%(Really, it's 87.5% but the game displays rounded percentages instead). Also, it's important to note that once you place them, you'll not get refunded when breaking them. The button to place them is Left-Click when having it in your Main Hand.

(5 edits) (+1)

Also, here's a quick tip: When breaking traps, you can break the block directly under it to break it instantly. This is especially useful if a Trap is placed on sand, gravel, soil, a trash pile, or a scrap pile. Regardless of the material(unless it's a heat-resistant alloy or steel tile), this method is always faster than breaking it directly. This method is also a requirement to break Coils and Bear Traps.

(3 edits) (+1)

P.S. Do not try breaking Landmines and Turrets. This method doesn't work on them, as they'll float in their position. Attacking them will cause them to detonate.


Cool game with Made In Abyss vibes (hoping for some mechanics related to the depth).


this game is exactly what ive been looking for >2 years basically - emphasis on avoiding combat, high on survival and dread with an easy to grasp but tough to master movement system, which even then is limited by the spelunky-like danger identification you're going perform if you want to live. in the 2-3 hours ive played it has already provided me immense value and at times discomfort over how brutal it gets (good thing btw)

even though i am aware that this is a prototype the moment i start  playing it i cant help but feel an overwhelming depth to the systems - this is more of the initial perception that you get when playing a game but i havent felt anything like it since playing barotrauma and project zomboid for the first time years ago, so huge plus there

the audio and visuals are fantastic and i cannot believe how atmospheric this silly game is capable of being

i actually only had two issues that boil down to inventory and interacting with items in it: when navigating inventory i kept having the issue of accidentally detaching pouches; when going to pick up things off the floor that were a bit too close to an inventory slot (which absolutely looked like i should've gotten the thing from outside my inventory) id grab an item from my inventory and use it


thank you !


this may never get finished but I like it a lot so I hope it does. Reminds me of barotramua with the movement and health system. also some of the ost reminds me of rain world love the work

how do you detonate dynamite?



It's a great, and most importantly, kind game. I fell on a spike, survived, realized that I had fallen into a pit, tried to get out of it for 5 minutes, and then died


Meanwhile, I found some heroin, injected waaaaaay too much, nearly died of brain damage and overdose, stumbled out of a ship, lost consciousness, woke up bleeding from everywhere, in a pit. I couldn't dig with my hands broken, so I used my mush arms to bandage myself, but alas! 5 infections. I used the glowplants that were in reach, but it just wasn't enough. I found a corpse with the rescuscitation device, and lost consciosness when using it, due to opioid overdose. 

At this point, my brain was at 30 hp. I was a vegetable, but I wasn't in sepsis anymore! but then I starved to death.

que jogo TOP eu amei esse jogo 

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while i am not the developer, i am fairly sure that command box is for testing/goofing around and not intended to be used in serious gameplay. thats what those things are usually for 

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me when the debug console is used for non debugging purposes:

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Hey... psst... where's the command console at?

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Hey... psst... where's the command console at?




such a great game! i really really hope it receives updates in the future because this really does have a ton of potential.

(5 edits) (+4)

The Best Game EVER!! Its Gruesome and REALLY Challenging at first but this is the best game I have ever played after Gunsaw Demo,Gooey Demo,Madness Melee and VOLUMETRIC SHOCK! I Really love your games Orsoniks!


я скачал эту игру и мне очене нравица



да я зделал ото но уменя не получается

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Have to say that I enjoyed this game,hope there would have Chinese translate.It's okay without translation,might be benefit to my Engligh learning   :D


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(7 edits) (+2)

It's a cool game, I liked it. Hopefully it will receive future updates.

At first I thought that if you hit a mine? it would be 100% death, but I changed my mind when I could barely pump him out with a huge dose of fentanyl, a life support device and some medicine. But, unfortunately, I didn't have anything to bandage him completely, as a result, he died from blood loss((. But at least he wasn't in pain.

Honestly, the immersion in the game gave me goosebumps. If you sit in a dark room alone with the game, you completely feel the character and his feelings. When he felt bad about the situation around him, it affected me. It's amazing.

I would donate some money to you, but unfortunately I live in Russia and I can't do that. You made a great game, keep up the good work)

My gosh, I'm signing under every word. This game is really something. The level of immersion is amazing... 
I wish I had a way to donate some bit to the creator, but have the same troubles with that...

(1 edit)

do anyone experience the bug that drop  the game quality drop when u start a run it make it hard to see anything


как скачять


Нажми на "Скачать сейчас", потом высветится окно, там нажимаешь на "Нет спасибо, давайте сразу к скачиванию"

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I am death by heroin OD and fall damage (with brain damage)


This games great! its fun to play and engaging! it does show how something can go from great to terrible in mere seconds tho, the health system is very good and realistic, and the comments the character makes does bring more life to the game, along with the certain "side effects" some healing items come with, and the controls are easy to grasp, but the game itself is hard as can be, bleeding and infections can be treated, but i feel like fall damage is your main enemy, specially when you get a bad fall and end up breaking your leg or paw, unless you have something to treat it quick, that run might as well be done for. and the cave ticks... absolute menace. FUN GAME!

thank you!


i play another 3 run and find a door do anyone know where to get a human tissue sample i look ing the building look thing and found nothing

tip there a plant called gaxon (dont know how to spell it) it a good source for food, water and little bit of morale it look like a tree 

tip 2 broke old machine(trap some of them is easy and safe to break)  for scape it good for building and trading 

tip 3 dont try to fight everything or get near it. i almost get kill by a worn thing it was have to spot plus it attack in a group plus u attack cooldown kinda long  

(1 edit) (+1)

There are blood bags. The yellow one is blood from the protagonist's species. And red, obviously human. Can be found in crates, capsules, etc.

crap i use it without realize it was human blood i though it was my character blood it was my first time using it i a fool


Definitely a more unique furry game on this site! Thumbs up for letting us hold items in our mouths as an extra, less reliable slot, like in real life. I can't think of any other game that lets you do that. Poor Gunsaw cannon fodder species can't catch a break, can they?

thank you!

If you look closely, there's reds and whites too. Dead ones.


This game is  art!need more!and I try to create a Chinese version, but it only displays blocks. That Arabic is also like that .

no fonts for those

(1 edit) (+2)

this game is hard to place also very fun 

i die to a beartrap how to disarm the beartrap i thrown 2 item at it then i though it disarm it was not disarm i broke my leg and dyeing from bleed and i eat the leaf thing u get from the plant it knocks me out i was try to eat the water thing i die to dehydration  it was my fourth run 1 die to fall damage 2 same but with bleed 3 give up after cut my leg on glass when i try to talk to npc 

the 3 trap i see air trap is kind of annoying but easy to doge if u know what they look like and hover over block 2 spike thing i hate it. it hard to disarm when u above it i got pierces though the foot by it and u cant even fall on it when it disarm it nearly killed and dark my screen then i walk on a air trap (the air trap is the one with 2 blue dot and it said it have a pressure plate) 3 beartrap hard to spot  sometime and cant be disarm 

i hope u add a ending to it and the stat effect very good but why Dehydration stop u from doing anything i thought it will start kill u slow/fast not just not  let u control ur character and why i eat the water plant part that give water it take away my water i was very confuse why it not give me water and yes i know the which plant give water i test it in my past runs

also why there is a attack cooldown?




couldnt have waited anymore this game is absolute peak


thank you!!


woah what a wonderful surprise to stumble onto a new game from orson! 

i am playing a bit right now and collecting some data ^w^

i will say already though i love the adorable little critters going through absolute agony, it reminds me a lot about my own creations :p 

always lovely seeing new creations from you! it actually inspires me a bit in terms of MAYBE trying game dev but... i am just too lazy and never get to it rehehe

(1 edit) (+3)

i collected some data. i love geofruit and it brings so much joy.

personally i feel the morale might need some work as for me it brought frustration when i encountered it.

when sad the critter will sometimes refuse actions wich is very strange, for as a example when very thirsty the creechur will refuse to drink water... 3 times but then do it. 

and when the "death threshhold" of sadness is reached, the creechur will exclaim their imminent action and then afterwards you cannot do anything to try and patch yourself up, since the creechur now completely refuses to use anything but will happily still wander around and collect medicinal resources.

and in addition that death took a long time but i technically could have just restarted since i couldnt do anything, actually it took so long that creechur performed another "death threshhold" action.

and i think that is my main thing i did not enjoy very much so far, that death was rather frustration causing .

(taking control from the player tends to be quickly frustrating, it can be hard to impliment. atleast thats what my brainworms state)

but after i learned the magic of geofruit i was able to be super happy and i only died after a series of unfortunate events that were very much my own fault and it was pretty funny and interesting. i just dont know what to do against heatstroke but maybe i can find something.

(also i'll add a little note, yes it also was a skill issue. i learned many things to keep morale in check better)

besides my gripe with the morale death mechanic, the rest feels very solid and enjoyable ^w^ i absolutely LOVE the atmosphere and the different visual and audio effects for different status effects.

the creechur is very cute and i love the commentary. it adds a lot of life and personality to the players creechur, the experience makes me want to get blasted into a planet on a cave adventure with a near 0% survival chance and be a critter. i am looking forward to whats in store for the future if thats planned ^w^

stay safe and have a nice day orson! and sorry if this text is too long :p


depression in scav game is meant to somewhat reflect what depression feels like irl, even if its a bit annoying


yip yip! i'll try to keep the critter happy!

do take care silly ^w^



so something funny happened on my latest run mentioning it in case its a bug. i manged to fall in a one tile hole... how it happend was the player char ragdolled due to exaustion and just flowed on down... speaking of the player char love that they are voiced and reacting to the situation.


I played high and scared. I'll tell you I was immersed. This game BANGS. So many things come together, I love the way the systems work. Menuing in my inventory is engaging, always making decisions on what to keep on me and what to bring.

My first run really put the tone of the game into perspective. Got stung by a spider, fell down a shaft (like 3 times) and all the injuries I took on with no way to fix them left my character stuck. Just an awful hopeless situation.

I felt something, this game is art. Can't wait to see how it looks in the future.

thank you!  !


please continue cooking with your games, they are some of the funnest I've ever played.


thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow, this game is amazing..
im serious, it's amazing! mechanics, everything is amazing in this game. I'll be waiting for new updates, or something like that :P
Happy new year, btw 

thank you!


this game is quite brutal. i managed to make it 710 meters into the desert. from what i see in the description i assume it's the last area you were talking about?

after looping only real rough spot i saw was really the deserts traps the cave spikes (not even going to try spelling that) tend to blend with the ceiling really well and often fall from off the screen. 

also the game has some mechanics not explained like you can place scrap metal found that out when i tried to use the scrap eater thing and kept failing. 


the scrap metal's descriptions directly says you can place it lol


...? it does? well guess its a good thing im due for a new pair of glasses then.


I cannot put in words how incredible is this game. This is one of the few survival games that makes you really feel how difficult, stressful and depressing the situation can be. The game also have a lot of States that your character can be, even on the tiniest details, I love how it's difficult to speak when you have an item on your mouth.

Also, something rare I don't see much in games, is the Moral meter. Oxygen not included also have this mechanic, Darkest dungeon also have a similar system with the stress meter.

I love all of your games, and I've played all of them, even if not much people may not pay attention to it, the games you make are awesome. 

thank you!


Are these the same characters as the ones in Gunsaw? Would it not make sence to finish that project first instead of opening the development of another one?


gunsaw is very not fun to work on anymore


If you want to cancel it, then it might make sence to open source it. Since the game has lot of potential.


It's ok. If you want, you could make the game open-source. It's your choice.


blood saw legac

Virus Protector is going off? I this normal?

the game is getting flagged for some people for some reason, you can just ignore it - virustotal the game and ask the community if you want to be sure

(1 edit) (+1)

My AV is reporting it as a trojan..? Main reason I distrust this is that all your other uploads are .zip, this is the only .rar you've uploaded.

this is a .rar because its more space efficient and i wasnt using butler. use virustotal if you wanna be sure


fast follow, this has loads of potental... question is whats planed?


scav game is a game ever.  The first game to sell a scavillion copies

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